State Library Publications
The State Library produces publications for many audiences including the general public, legislators, Iowa libraries, stakeholders, and more. Here's a list and links to the most up-to-date versions of each publication the State Library produces.
Strategic Plan
The State Library strategic planning process is set on a five-year cycle of fiscal years and is approved by the Iowa Commission of Libraries and the federal Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS).
Enrich Iowa Report
The State Library administers Enrich Iowa funding appropriated by the Iowa Legislature to libraries in Iowa on an annual basis. Iowa Code Section 8A.209(6) requires a report be submitted by January 15 of each year to the Iowa General Assembly and Governor's Office on the uses and impacts of the Enrich Iowa funding.
In Service to Iowa: Public Library Standards (6th Edition)
This publication is the manual for the State Library Standards and Accreditation Program. It documents the condition of public library service in Iowa, determines the formula for State Aid funding, and meets statutory requirements.
Read the Public Library Standards
Iowa Library Trustee's Handbook
The purpose of the Iowa Library Trustee’s Handbook is to give trustees a basic understanding of their responsibilities and power. It contains useful, practical information about developing policy, the board/director relationship, funding, intellectual freedom, library laws and many other topics.