Continuing Education
Save the Date for ILOC 2025
October 28, 2024ILOC 2025 is set for Thursday, January 30, 2025! Iowa library directors, staff, and trustees are encouraged to mark their calendars and attend.
Register Now for Sept. 26 Learning Circuit on Trending Technology and the Future of Your Library
August 06, 2024The event will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Registration is $25 and includes a continental breakfast and box lunch. Librarians can earn 5 CE credits for attending.
IA Learns Transitioning to Workday Learning in August
July 12, 2024IA Learns, the State Library’s learning management system for continuing education courses and the Endorsement program, is transitioning to a new platform next month.
State Library Offering Grants to Attend the 2024 ARSL Conference in Springfield, MA
May 13, 2024Each grant offers up to a $1,500 reimbursement for registration, hotel, and transportation.
Registration Now Open for Director Roundtables in May
March 29, 2024Registration is now open for the 2024 Director Roundtables in May. Multiple sessions are scheduled in each district across the state to make it convenient for directors to choose the time and place that works best.
Registration Now Open for Pop YS Con, a Conference for Youth Services Librarians April 8-9 in Ames
February 22, 2024Registration is now open for Pop YS Con, the State Library’s conference for librarians who work with children and teens. The conference will be held April 8-9, 2024 at the Gateway Hotel and Conference Center in Ames, IA.
ILOC 2024 Registration Open
December 06, 2023On January 25, 2024, the ILOC conference will encourage attendees to consider sustainable operations, long-term outcomes, and positive community differences the library makes.
Register Now for Sept. 28 Learning Circuit on Productive Partnerships
August 01, 2023Registration is now open for the State Library Learning Circuit on Thursday, Sept. 28. The event will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Registration is $20 and includes a continental breakfast and box lunch. Librarians can earn 5 CE credits for attending.
State Library Offering Grants to Attend the 2023 ARSL Conference in Wichita, KS
May 23, 2023The State Library of Iowa is excited to announce grants to six Iowa libraries (one in each district) to allow a librarian on staff to attend the 2023 Association for Rural and Small Libraries (ARSL) Conference in Wichita, KS, September 20-23, 2023.
Director Roundtables to Kick Off May 9 with 17 Locations Across Iowa Throughout the Month
April 25, 2023A longtime staple in the Continuing Education calendar, directors that attend will have the chance to learn from their district consultant, network with their peers, and apply new learning in their library.
Register Now for ILOC 2023 Jan. 26 on “Productive Partnerships”
January 05, 2023The Iowa Libraries Online Conference (ILOC) is a free online conference for the Iowa library community, featuring keynote speakers and breakout sessions throughout the day, including a special event in the evening for library trustees.
Registration Now Open for Oct. 20 Learning Circuit on Disaster Preparedness
September 07, 2022The event will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Registration is $15 and includes a continental breakfast and box lunch. Librarians can earn 4 CE credits for attending.
Back to School with Brainfuse: Updates & Training Opportunities
August 16, 2022The State Library is offering ways to help Brainfuse reach more Iowans through libraries. Libraries can offer Brainfuse resources to their communities at no cost.
Statewide In-Person Director Roundtables Return in May
April 22, 2022Director Roundtables are making a comeback this spring in an important way— they are back as in-person events! Sponsored by the State Library and facilitated by District Consultants, this year’s Director Roundtables are based on ideas from the book "When to Say Yes" by Don Khouri.
Registration Open for Pop YS Con: Conference for Youth Services Librarians April 4-5 in Ames
February 10, 2022Registration is now open for Pop YS Con, the State Library’s conference for librarians who work with children and teens. The conference will be held April 4-5, 2022 at the Gateway Hotel and Conference Center in Ames, IA.
State Library Partners with ILA and IASL to offer Intellectual Freedom Seminar Mar. 9
February 03, 2022Join the State Library, the Iowa Library Association, and the Association of School Librarians for an evening of educational webinars related to Intellectual Freedom. The event will feature panel discussions, a legislative update, and board training, all geared towards library trustees and school board members.
Iowa Legal Information Online Summit Nov. 4
September 24, 2021The Iowa Access to Justice Summit will take place Thursday, Nov. 4. Iowa librarians are invited to join other human services professionals and advocates for this free, virtual event.
Kernels: New “Quick” Continuing Education from the State Library
February 08, 2021The State Library Continuing Education team is excited to unveil “Kernels,” a new series of quick continuing education courses for librarians.