Accounts, Roles & Permissions
Everyone that uses SILO ILL must create an account to access the system. The account must be associated with an individual and not a library or other organization as a whole. Usernames and passwords should not be shared with other users.
Library staff that use ILL services personally and professionally should maintain two separate accounts in the system. A personal patron account should be created using a home email address, and the professional library staff or library director account should be created with a work email address.
Home Library
All accounts are affiliated with exactly one library. This is referred to as the account's home library. For patrons it is the library the user supports with their taxes. For library staff and library directors it is the library that employs them. Any changes to an account's home library must be approved by staff at that library.
Roles and Permissions
All accounts in the SILO ILL system are assigned to a single role:
Unverified: When a user initially creates their account, it is assigned the unverified role. The user has selected a home library, but staff at that library haven't approved the account yet. Accounts with this role can:
- Edit their personal profile
- Change their home library
Patron: Anyone can create an account in the SILO ILL system and select a home library. Patrons can use their account as an alternative to filling out paper ILL request forms. After library staff at their home library approve the patron account, accounts with this role can:
- Use all of the features available to an unverified account
- Submit ILL requests for mediation by staff at their home library
Library Staff: All library employees that may need to create, update, or check the status of ILL transactions must create an account in the SILO ILL system. After a library director approves the account, accounts with this role can:
- Use all of the features available to a patron account
- Approve patron accounts at the home library
- Use all of the ILL functions to view, create, and update transactions
Library Director: Typically one staff member at each library will be designated the library director administrative role in the SILO ILL system. After a State Library staff member approves the account, accounts with this role can:
- Use all of the features available to a library staff account
- Approve library staff accounts at the home library
- Update the library's ILL profile including contact info and addresses
State Library Staff: Employees of the State Library that are responsible for supporting the SILO ILL system are assigned to this role. State Library staff can temporarily become another user in the system, so they can see the same information the other user would see. All of the activity a State Library staff member does on behalf of another user is logged. After a system developer approves the account, accounts with this role can:
- Use all of the features available to a library director account
- Approve library director accounts within the SILO ILL system
- Login to any other user's account within the SILO ILL system
Changing the Home Library
When a user changes their home library, the account will be reassigned to the unverified role. Depending on the role required at the new home library, the user will need to wait for the account to be approved by library staff, the library director, or State Library staff.