whofi logo.jpgWhoFi Tools

Iowa public libraries have access to tools from WhoFi, including a usage counter to monitor and track the number of devices on a wireless network, as well as a calendar program planner and registration tool. Data collected in WhoFi tools is automatically added to the Public Library Annual Survey each year. The WhoFi tools are provided at no cost to Iowa public libraries by the State Library. 

WiFi Usage Counter

WhoFi provides public libraries with wireless usage statistics and easy-to-read reports. Data from Who-Fi will allow directors to easily complete questions on the Public Library Annual Survey related to wireless usage. In addition, insights from the reports can help convey the story of the library’s impact on the community and help make data driven decisions on technology, programming, and more.

Tutorial: Library WiFi Analytics and Monthly Reports

Community Calendar

Community Calendar is a program planner tool from WhoFi allows libraries to schedule, manage, and count attendance at library programs and events. Data recorded in the tool will automatically transfer over to the Public Library Annual Survey at the end of the fiscal year. Libraries can access Community Calendar by logging into the same WhoFi account they use for wi-fi usage.

Library Community Calendar and Reports 

Tutorial: Community Calendar Web Integration

Program Registration

Preparing and planning for programs is now simpler with the WhoFi Community Calendar’s new optional registration feature. How does it work? Patrons can register for events from the library website's integrated calendar. Registered patrons will receive a confirmation email upon registration and a reminder email before the event to help increase the likelihood of attendance. All events utilizing registration can be viewed in one place for staff to manage and prepare for events. By using registration, libraries can better prepare for capacity and potential material constraints.

Tutorial: Registration for Community Calendar

Question Sets

Question Sets in WhoFi makes it easier for you to track and leverage the statistics you keep for the Annual Survey, report to your Board or City, and use to advance change in your library and community. Question Sets removes the many burdens involved throughout the data collection and reporting process and standardizes and centralizes the unique information libraries collect throughout the year. And it can auto-fill some questions on the Annual Survey for you each year!

Tutorial: General Question Sets

Tutorial: Custom Question Sets

Meeting Room Scheduler

Using this tool, patrons can easily discover available meeting room spaces and amenities through the library's website and then reserve those spaces online.  Meeting Rooms seamlessly integrates with WhoFi's Community Calendar, avoiding double bookings, ensuring a synchronized approach to managing library programs and patron spaces. All public libraries in Iowa are eligible to use the Meeting Rooms feature, whether using other WhoFi products or not. Using Meeting Rooms applies a tech solution to what can be a cumbersome process, enhancing patron experiences and freeing up staff time.

Tutorial: Meeting Room Scheduler

Support and Troubleshooting

Technical questions or troubleshooting the WhoFi wi-fi usage counter or Program Planner should be directed to WhoFi support.

imls_logo_2c.jpgFunding for WhoFi is made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) as administered by the State Library of Iowa.