
Online Resources

The State Library maintains the official repository of documents from State of Iowa government and publications from state agencies. Documents and publications are stored in both hardcopy as well as digital formats. The State Library partners with state agencies to archive state publications online to expand access for Iowans and beyond.

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Iowa Publications Online

Browse Iowa Publications Online

More than 49,000 state documents are digitized and available to the public via Iowa Publications Online. Browse or search for a publication on the state documents archive at

Iowa Publications Online (IPO) is a web-based repository of documents produced by state of Iowa agencies intended for use by the general public. State agencies are encouraged to partner with IPO for a permanent, secure location to archive publications including reports, newsletters and other publications meant for Iowa citizens. Archiving with IPO also meets the statutory requirement set for state agencies by Iowa code.

IPO currently accepts reports, newsletters and other publications meant for Iowa citizens. File formats accepted are Adobe PDF, HTML and Microsoft Word. Adobe PDF is the preferred format because of its universal acceptance. Examples of documents that should be included in IPO are:

  • Annual reports
  • Reports mandated by Iowa Code
  • Statistical reports
  • Newsletters
  • Other publications meant for Iowa citizens
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Become a Depositor

State Library staff assist state agencies to set up accounts and train staff on the process to deposit publications into IPO. Agencies can request depositor status by completing the form linked below.

IPO Depositor Request Form

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Depositing FAQ

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IPO Depositor Help

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IPO User Help

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State Documents in the State Library Collection

The State Library maintains a physical collection of state documents that can be borrowed with a State Library card. Access the collection through the State Library Catalog at the link below. Click "Advanced Search" to select specific state document collection(s) to search or browse.

Browse the State Library Catalog

The State Library catalog contains special collections of Library Science titles, books on Iowa history and culture, state documents, STEM and Storytime kits available for checkout by Iowa public libraries and more. Create an account with your State Library card to save lists and request titles. You may also contact your local public library to request an interlibrary loan of a book in the collection. 

State Library Catalog

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