Libraries can take advantage of discounts negotiated by the State Library with AEA Purchasing, Lyrasis, and other vendors for supplies, books, videos, audio books, databases, and more. Find out more about the types of discounts available:
AEA Purchasing: AEA Purchasing is an independent, tax-exempt, nonprofit organization supporting the mission of the Iowa Area Education Agencies. Their goal is to combine the purchasing power of Iowa schools to offer aggressive pricing on materials, goods and services, including software and computers.
TechSoup: The TechSoup group offers highly discounted software and hardware along with other technology resources for non-profits with a membership. Many libraries have reported significant discounts on software through TechSoup.
Baker & Taylor: Baker & Taylor is an approved supplier for the State of Iowa. Get discounted pricing on books, audiobooks, CDs and Blu-Ray titles, physical and digital media processing, publisher inventory access, collection development tools, and more.
LYRASIS: The State Library is a member of LYRASIS, a non-profit membership organization committed to the success of libraries and cultural heritage organizations. LYRASIS provides discounts with many library supply vendors and offers additional resources for Iowa public libraries.
AEA Purchasing: AEA Purchasing also offers savings on library supplies and resources.
The State of Iowa negotiates contracts with vendors for discounts for state government agencies and organizations. Public libraries can take advantage of these contracted discounts. Click the link below to access the system listing of all awarded contracts with the State of Iowa. Use the field at the top to search for keywords of the types of products or services needed.
Libraries may be most interested in:
Janitorial supplies
Office supplies and furniture
Desktop and laptop computers, tablets, servers, and storage systems
Webster’s dictionary defines a consortium as “an agreement, combination, or group formed to undertake an enterprise beyond the resources of any one member.”
The State Library supports and encourages the development and operations of library consortia because of the benefits to Iowans when libraries collaborate to provide a service or resource.
Benefits to libraries and Iowans include:
Ability to provide a greater depth and breadth of resources or services without additional funding.
Cost savings through economies of scale in group purchases or projects.
Increased convenience for patrons.
More efficient use of library staff.
Sharing of staff expertise and increased networking opportunities.
Types of consortia agreements may include:
Shared integrated library system (ILS) or catalog.
The State Library can provide consulting support and/or training to enhance or encourage participation, process development, and workflow of library consortia. Contact your district consultant for more information or guidance.