The Iowa Library Directory is an online database for Iowa library information.
The directory is built on the Knack platform which features a robust search function and the ability to export data. Library staff are able to login with an account to edit, change, and update directory information about their own library.
Library Directory information available to the public includes:
- Library mailing address, phone number, open hours, and website
- Director name and contact info
- Department contact information (if applicable)
- IA Shares delivery code and route information
- Library size code, district, and locator code
- School district, population data, and more
Library Directory information available to logged in library staff and the State Library includes:
- State Library program participation information
- Board membership and contact information
Updating the Library Directory
The State Library relies on library staff to keep the information about their library up to date to ensure important messages about State Library programs and resources are successfully delivered. The directory also allows the public to find accurate information about their public library, for example to connect to the library website or find open hours to stop in.
To make updates to your library’s directory details, you must log in with a username and password unique to your library. If you are unsure of your library’s username or password, contact your District LRT. Once you have your username and password in hand, login at the link below:
How to update your library’s information:
- Login to the Iowa Library Directory.
- Click on “My Library.”
- Update information in the fields. A red asterisk indicates a required field.
- To update board or trustees members, click on the "Board/Trustees" tab.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Submit.
At the bottom of the "My Library" tab, you'll notice information about your library's participation in State Library programs, including Enrich Iowa, Accreditation, Bridges, the Annual Survey, and more.
For further assistance or questions about the directory, contact your District LRT.
1112 E. Grand Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50319