The federal E-Rate program makes internet access service more affordable for schools and libraries in America. The State Library provides assistance to libraries filing for E-Rate discounts on internet service and other qualifying items.

Contributions from telecommunications companies provide discounts of 50-90% on the cost of internet access and network wiring within library and school buildings. Libraries and schools in low-income urban communities and rural areas qualify for the highest discounts to help ensure that every American, regardless of age, income or location, has access to the internet.

The Universal Service Administrative Co. (USAC) administers the E-rate program for the federal government. All libraries that receive E-Rate discounts must be compliant with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)

More information about E-Rate

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E-Rate Forms and Timeline

Each year, libraries that want to apply for E-rate discounts must file three forms with USAC: Form 470, Form 471 and Form 486.  

  • E-rate Form 470 opens the required bidding process for internet service providers. Service providers review the posted FCC Form 470 information and submit bids. Libraries compare received bids on a Bid Matrix to choose a service provider. Libraries must wait at least 28 days between filing Form 470 and Form 471 to allow time for the bidding process.
  • E-rate Form 471 is the actual E-rate application to request discounts on eligible services and equipment for the upcoming funding year. Applicants must include information on the recipients of services and service provider(s); provide detailed descriptions of services, including costs and dates of service or equipment; and certify compliance with program rules.
  • E-Rate Form 486 notifies USAC that services have started for the library and certifies that the library is in compliance with CIPA. Libraries must receive a Funding Commitment Decision Letter email notification from USAC before completing this form. Libraries have 120 days from receipt of the notification to file.

Timeline for FY26 (July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026)

Timeline and status for E-Rate forms.
Form 470OpenDeadline: Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2025
Form 471OpenFiling window closes Mar. 26, 2025
Form 486n/aFile 120 days from receiving Funding Commitment 
Decision Letter from USAC.
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E-Rate Form Filing Portal

Use the link below to log in to the USAC portal application dashboard to complete the forms when the filing windows are open. Your District LRT can assist you in navigating the portal and completing any of the forms. 

Note: Chrome is the recommended browser to use when completing these forms.

USAC Portal Login

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Wi-Fi Hotspots Eligible for E-Rate Funding

Starting in Funding Year (FY) 2025, Wi-Fi hotspots and mobile wireless internet services that can be used off-premises will be eligible for E-Rate funding. This will allow eligible libraries to start Wi-Fi hotspot lending programs so that their patrons can check out E-Rate-supported Wi-Fi hotspots and services.

Note: Hotspot and service funding is contingent on support from the FCC and sufficient funds in the FCC budget. Libraries are able to rescind their applications for hotspots and service if funding is unavailable.

For more information, refer to this USAC webpage: Off-Premises Wi-Fi Hotspots Overview

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E-Rate Filing Tips

The following information can help you as you complete the forms to apply for E-Rate. For additional assistance or questions, reach out to your District LRT.

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