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The State Library collects statistics on Iowa libraries from the Public Library Annual Survey and other sources. Statistics help libraries compare their own library activity from year to year, compare information from libraries of similar size, support budget requests, analyze the needs of their community, plan how the library will serve the community in the future and more.
Back to topPublic Library Statistics
Back to topCity Tax Rates and Library Levies
Listing of city tax rates and assessed valuation, with the minimum funding amount ($.0675 per thousand) as specified by Iowa Code 8A.222. This is the minimum amount that all cities should pay, not the amount they are paying for FY25.
Back to topRural Library Funding
Listing of rural library funding by county, including per capita and by valuation, for FY25. Funding and valuation information is from the Iowa Department of Management. County rural population is from the 2020 Census. These are the amounts that the counties are currently paying.
Back to topAdditional Resources for Data & Statistics
IMLS Search & Compare Tool: Use this tool to lookup and compare more than 9,000 public libraries nationwide going back to 2018. Search for individual libraries or compare your library to a select group of peers.
Public Libraries Survey Full Data: The complete data set from the national public libraries survey - called the Annual Survey in Iowa. Access the full survey, data and documentation for over 9,000 public libraries going back to 1992.
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