Bridges is the eBook and audiobook buying consortium for Iowa public libraries. The State Library of Iowa facilitates the program and manages the contract with OverDrive on behalf of the participating libraries.
OverDrive, Inc. is an American digital distributor of eBooks, audiobooks, and magazine titles. The company provides secure management, digital rights management and download fulfillment services for publishers, libraries, schools, and retailers.
Libraries that participate in Bridges pay an annual formula-based fee to the State Library that covers the materials budget, the purchase of MARC records and a small packet of promotional materials for new members.
The State Library covers the cost of OverDrive Magazines for Bridges member libraries with federal LSTA funding from IMLS. With more than 4,000 popular titles supplied in partnership with ZINIO and available to read in Libby, OverDrive Magazines have no circulation cap and allow unlimited simultaneous use, so patrons can enjoy every issue of every magazine. With smart tags in Libby, patrons can be notified when each new issue is released.
After submitting a Bridges renewal or enrollment form, you will receive a prompt with an option to download a PDF of your completed agreement. Please be sure to download a copy for your records. Both forms close on Monday, Mar. 31, 2025.
Note: There is a $400 startup fee in addition to the annual fee in a library's first year of membership.
FY26 Terms of Agreement (for Reference)
Access the text of the FY26 Terms of Agreement for current and new Bridges member libraries.
Important Dates:
March 31, 2025: Deadline for receipt of signed Letter of Agreement at State Library of Iowa
July 1, 2025: Bridges will be available online to new member libraries.
Within 90 days receipt of invoice: Deadline for receipt of payment. Library will be invoiced in July.
Member library responsibilities:
The Library agrees to continue its participation in the Bridges Overdrive eAudiobook / eBook Consortium for a twelve-month period beginning July 1, 2025 extending through June 30, 2026.
Signing and returning this Letter of Agreement, along with payment of fees makes the Library eligible to continue participation in the Bridges Consortium. Nonpayment will result in suspension of patron access.
The annual Consortium fee for public libraries for downloadable audiobooks and eBooks is calculated as follows: a $300.00 base for each library, plus $0.24 per capita based on the city population in which the library is located. Per capita numbers are based on population figures from the 2020 census certified by the Iowa Secretary of State’s office. FY26 fees are now available at
A Library may pay an amount in addition to their annual fee as an extraordinary contribution to the development of the collection. A Library that pays an amount in excess of that Library’s annual fee will have the option of selecting additional content of their own choice up to the amount of the extra fee they have contributed. Any content so purchased will be the property of the Consortium as a whole and will be accessible by all Consortium members. An extraordinary contribution may be made at any time during the fiscal year.
The Library agrees to adhere to access, circulation, and collection policies determined jointly by the Bridges Consortium and by eligible group participants.
The Library agrees to make this service available only to residents of its own city, rural residents of its own county, and/or residents of contracting cities. Open Access customers are not eligible for this service. The Library agrees to cooperate with the Bridges Consortium in a good faith effort toward this goal.
With the above goal in mind, the Library is asked to make reasonable distinctions between eligible and ineligible patrons (ineligible meaning Open Access or out-of-state patrons) and agrees to work with the Bridges Management Team in this effort.
The Library agrees to provide first-level technical support to their patrons, understanding that State Library of Iowa acts as back-up support for the Library. In providing first-level technical support, the Library agrees that it will not publish or distribute contact names, emails, or phone numbers of State Library of Iowa staff to local patrons.
The Library understands that if the Library withdraws, the content remains the property of the Bridges Consortium.
State Library of Iowa responsibilities to Bridges libraries:
State Library of Iowa will manage the Consortium in partnership with Overdrive on behalf of the participants of the Consortium
State Library of Iowa will act as the fiscal agent for the Consortium
State Library of Iowa will continue to provide authentication services to member Libraries who choose not to authenticate through their own ILS system.
State Library of Iowa will work with selectors comprised of member libraries to ensure a quality collection.
State Library of Iowa will help promote the service, as well as provide consulting and training to member libraries in helping them effectively use the service.
Member library responsibilities:
The Library agrees to participate in the BRIDGES Overdrive Audiobook / eBook Consortium for a one year period beginning July 1, 2025 extending through June 30, 2026.
Signing and returning this Letter of Agreement, along with payment of fees makes the Library eligible to continue participation in the Bridges Consortium. Nonpayment will result in suspension of patron access.
Sign this Letter of Agreement (from the BRIDGES Consortium) no later than March 21, 2025.
Return the second Letter of Agreement (from OverDrive) to the Bridges Team as soon as possible after receipt.
A Library that joins the BRIDGES Consortium shall pay a one-time participation fee of $400.00. This one-time $400.00 setup fee shall be due within 90 days of receipt of invoice unless other arrangements are agreed upon with State Library of Iowa. Note: This set-up fee cannot be waived or pro-rated. If the Library requires ILS integration (allowing OverDrive to connect to the Library’s automation system), the Library shall pay any additional costs required.
The annual Consortium fee for public libraries for downloadable audiobooks and eBooks is calculated as follows: a $300.00 base for each library, plus $0.24 per capita based on the city population in which the library is located. Per capita numbers are based on population figures from the 2020 census certified by the Iowa Secretary of State’s office. FY26 fees are now available at
A Library may pay an amount in addition to their annual fee as an extraordinary contribution to the development of the collection. A Library that pays an amount in excess of that Library’s annual fee will have the option of selecting additional content of their own choice up to the amount of the extra fee they have contributed. Any content so purchased will be the property of the Consortium as a whole and will be accessible by all Consortium members. An extraordinary contribution may be made at any time during the fiscal year.
The Library agrees to adhere to access, circulation, and collection policies determined jointly by the Bridges Consortium and by eligible group participants.
The Library agrees to make this service available only to residents of its own city, rural residents of its own county, and/or residents of contracting cities. Open Access customers are not eligible for this service. The Library agrees to cooperate with the Bridges Consortium in a good faith effort toward this goal.
With the above goal in mind, the Library is asked to make reasonable distinctions between eligible and ineligible patrons (ineligible meaning Open Access or out-of-state patrons) and agrees to work with the Bridges Management Team in this effort.
The Library agrees to provide first-level technical support to their patrons, understanding that State Library of Iowa acts as back-up support for the Library. In providing first-level technical support, the Library agrees that it will not publish or distribute contact names, emails, or phone numbers of State Library of Iowa staff to local patrons.
The Library understands that if the Library withdraws, the content remains the property of the Bridges Consortium.
State Library of Iowa responsibilities to Bridges libraries:
State Library of Iowa will manage the Consortium in partnership with Overdrive on behalf of the participants of the Consortium
State Library of Iowa will act as the fiscal agent for the Consortium
State Library of Iowa will continue to provide authentication services to member Libraries who choose not to authenticate through their own ILS system.
State Library of Iowa will work with selectors comprised of member libraries to ensure a quality collection.
State Library of Iowa will help promote the service, as well as provide consulting and training to member libraries in helping them effectively use the service.
Bridges Promotional Materials Google Drive Folder Download printable materials customized to Bridges and access Bridges logos to add to your library's existing promotional materials in a Google Drive folder from the State Library.
Access OverDrive Marketing Materials OverDrive offers a variety of resources to promote Bridges & Libby to your patrons, including customizalbe templates, social media and website graphics, print-ready materials, and more!
OverDrive Magazine Collection Marketing Kit (.zip file) Download this folder of resources to promote the OverDrive collection of more than 4,000 magazines with no circulation cap and unlimited simultaneous use.
Use your Login ID and self-set password. Note: your username is NOT your email address.
State Library staff preloads your annual statistics for you every year. Stats are also available to you on demand from your Marketplace account. Your Advantage Statistics, if applicable, can be compiled using your Advantage Login in Marketplace, under Insights.
Your annual invoice is available in Marketplace under your consortium login. On the top bar you will see Billing > View Invoices. You can download the invoice, or pay online.
Direct patrons to the Bridges URL at, or have them download the Libby app on their device to get started.
Your patrons are able to log in through OverDrive connecting to your ILS or by using the State Library’s service.
Residents of your city, rural residents of your county or residents of contracting cities. Open Access patrons are not eligible to use Bridges (unless their home public library is a member).
If you need additional assistance with Bridges, you can contact:
OverDrive Advantage is an optional feature that gives your library the ability to give your patrons first of the line access to titles, instead of waiting with the entire consortium. There is a one-time fee for $250 upon creating your Advantage account that will go in as content credit for you to spend once onboarded.
Advantage FAQs
Reach out to your OverDrive Account Manager or for a short form. Complete the form and they do the rest to finalize setup. Once your library is set up with Advantage, reach out to your OverDrive Account Manager for training.
In Marketplace, click on the admin tab, weeding, then create plan.
Enter your weeding parameters- the recommended plan criteria is below. This plan will run daily and weed all expired metered access content, but not items with holds.
Under Holdings, select the radio button for Yes; weed all expired metered access titles.
Under Collection development policies, uncheck the box next to Only weed titles that are no longer available for purchase in Marketplace.
Under User demand, check the box next to Only weed titles with 0 active holds.
Expired Titles with Holds
We recommend excluding items with holds from an automatic weeding plan for two reasons:
If an item is expired and still has holds, repurchasing should be considered instead of weeding.
If you’re weeding a title that has holds, the holds should be cancelled after weeding or the holds will remain, driving up your average wait time and leaving patrons on hold indefinitely.
If you have further questions, contact your Account Manager.
How to See Current Holdings
Log into Marketplace using your Advantage Login.
Under Insights, click the checkbox to filter by Advantage Collection and the current date; the data below will refresh and will tell you both your copies and titles by format.
How to See How Many Copies you Bought in a Specific Time Period
Log into Marketplace using your Advantage Login Under Insights, you will see a list of reports on the left.
Under Purchase & Order Reports, choose Purchased Titles Summary.
Then, filter by your desired timeframe, and formats. Note you will have to run audiobook and eBook separately.
Funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services
This program or resource is made possible in part by the IMLS under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the State Library of Iowa.