
Federally Funded

IA Shares is a statewide delivery service program that provides twice-weekly delivery of library materials for all public libraries and the State Library. The full cost of IA Shares is paid for with a portion of federal funding the State Library receives from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

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About the Service

The State Library contracts with STAT Courier to offer IA Shares, with MOBIUS providing management services and technical support for IA Shares. 

With a system of hubs and routes, IA Shares facilitates quick and efficient delivery of library materials. Each route begins at the hub in the morning, where items out for delivery are picked up. The driver makes the stops along the route, dropping off a tote of materials for each library, and picking up another tote of items to be sent to other public libraries or the State Library.

The driver returns to the hub at the end of the route where the items are sorted and then transported between hubs each night. The process repeats each weekday for that day's designated routes. Each route serves between 15 and 25 libraries, and there are about 35 routes needed to accommodate all of Iowa's 543 public libraries. 

IA Shares Bags & Totes Request Form

Use the form linked below to request additional IA Shares bags or totes to be sent to your library. The State Library sends them out via IA Shares on Monday and Wednesday mornings.

IA Shares Request Form

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Delivery Guidelines

The below information is meant to serve as guidelines for how and what materials to send via the IA Shares delivery service for Iowa public libraries. 

Note: IA Shares is now synced with the Iowa Academic Alliance and Rivershare networks. This means that regardless of which network you might be part of, once you put your library in the FROM field in the MOBIUS Labelmaker, you should be able to see all of the other Iowa libraries in the TO field and can select any of them to send to.

Contact Tom Keyser with any questions on the IA Shares Delivery Guidelines.

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MOBIUS Resources

MOBIUS Helpdesk

Helpful Links

IA Shares Email Listserve

MOBIUS maintains an email discussion list for IA Shares libraries that provides updates, route changes, and other information. For changes/updates to member emails, contact:

Find out more and sign up for the discussion list:

IA Shares MOBIUS Discussion List

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Funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services

This program or resource is made possible in part by the IMLS under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the State Library of Iowa.

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