
Federally Funded
District Support
Online Resources

State of Iowa Libraries Online, also known as SILO, offers resource sharing services, including the Iowa Locator, the statewide union catalog used to locate library items, and the SILO Interlibrary Loan System to all types of libraries in Iowa. SILO provides support and hosting for public library websites through the PLOW program. SILO also offers DNS hosting services to any public library with a high-speed internet connection. 

SILO is a joint program of the State Library and the Iowa State University Library and is supported by federal funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. 

Action Needed: AtMail Email Service Discontinuing May 1, 2025

As of May 1, 2025, the State Library will no longer offer email service to public libraries. Libraries currently using AtMail, the State Library’s vendor for email service, will be required to select a new email service provider before then to avoid disruptions in sending and receiving emails.

The State Library has gathered resources to help public libraries work through the process and address questions about the transition.

Email Transition Resources

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SILO Interlibrary Loan System

SILO Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is the system librarians across Iowa use to create, process and record in-state interlibrary loan transactions. SILO ILL provides:

  • Complete tracking of all transactions: from placing a new request until the item is checked back in to the lending library.
  • A logging and tracking system for all of the library's borrowing and lending.
  • A searchable reporting system.
  • Printable transaction histories, mailing labels, book bands and book inserts.
  • Multiple addresses for delivery and returns.

SILO ILL Library Login

SILO ILL Manual (Read only Google Doc)

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Out of State Interlibrary Loan Requests

Iowa librarians can use the forms linked below to manage out of state interlibrary loan requests for their patrons. 

Out of state interlibrary loan is facilitated by OCLC WorldShare. Search for the item in OCLC's WorldCat. If item is in WorldCat and not in the Iowa Locator, use the forms below. Note: OCLC Resource Sharing subscribers should use their own OCLC account.

For questions or additional assistance, contact your District LRT.

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Iowa Locator

The Iowa Locator is the statewide union catalog used for locating library items. The SILO ILL system relies on libraries maintaining updated holdings in the Locator. 

Access the Iowa Locator

Iowa Locator Manual (Read only Google Doc)

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Multiple Copies for Book Clubs

The State Library maintains bibliographic records in the Locator for multiple copy book sets, or kits, owned by Iowa libraries. Iowa libraries and their book clubs depend on borrowing and loaning these kits for book club use. Instructions on using the multiple copy feature in the Locator are included in the Iowa Locator Manual.

Putting Libraries on the Web (PLOW)

The State Library provides free, hosted websites for any public library in Iowa. The websites are preloaded with a variety of local information specific to each library, including links to local catalogs, location, hours, contacts and trustees.

Find Out More & Request a PLOW Library Website

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DNS Hosting

SILO provides domain name hosting services to Iowa libraries at no cost. 

  • All domain names hosted must end in
  • SILO provides primary and secondary name service for all hosted domains.
  • SILO staff can answer questions regarding commercial domain names ending in .com or .org, but cannot register or host them.

DNS Registration

  • Domains ending in are registered through the Iowa Communications Network at no cost to the library.
  • If you would like SILO to host a new domain, please contact your District LRT to start the process. SILO staff will complete the online forms at the ICN on your behalf.
  • If you would like to host your own domain, but you need help registering the domain, please contact your District LRT. SILO staff can answer any questions you may have, and can walk you through the registration process.
Institute of Museum and Library Services logo

Funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services

This program or resource is made possible in part by the IMLS under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the State Library of Iowa.

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