The nine-member Iowa Commission of Libraries acts as an advisory board for the State Library. The Commission's duites are outlined in Iowa Code 8A.203.

The Commission consists of seven members appointed by the governor to serve four-year terms, one member appointed by the Iowa Supreme Court, and the director of the Department of Administrative Services. A quorum of five members is required to conduct business and the Commission operates its meetings in accordance with Iowa's Open Meetings Laws.

The Commission is responsible for advising and adopting rules to carry out the responsibilities of the State Library and supporting the State Library to fulfill its goal of providing for the improvement of library services to all Iowa citizens and fostering development and cooperation among libraries.

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Current Membership

Interested in becoming a Commission member? Find out more information, including how to apply, at the Iowa Talent Bank.

Members of the Iowa Commission of Libraries
NameMember TypeTerm
Brandon DennerAt-Large7/1/2021 - 4/30/2025
Mindy ReimerSchool or AEA Librarian10/27/2022 - 4/30/2025
Fred SchusterAt-Large5/1/2023 - 4/30/2027
Robert GastIowa Supreme Courtn/a
Adam SteenDirector, Iowa Dept. of Administrative Servicesn/a
VacantPublic Librarian 
VacantPublic Librarian 
VacantAcademic Librarian 
VacantPublic Library Trustee 
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Upcoming Meeting Information

Meeting materials will be made available to the public about a week ahead of the meeting date via a Google Drive folder: Access Upcoming Meeting Materials

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Recent Agendas & Minutes

Commission meeting agendas and minutes are posted from the past three most recent meetings. Minutes are posted once approved by the Commission at a subsequent meeting. For agendas, minutes, or meeting materials beyond those posted, email

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Note: The current Bylaws below reflect duties of the Commission outlined in Iowa Code 256.52. As of July 1, 2023, a new law took effect and language related to the Commission was moved to section 8A.203.

The bylaws will be discussed and reviewed by the Commission at a future meeting with the intention of updating them to align with the current Code language.

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