A. The Iowa Commission of Libraries, hereafter referred to as the Commission, is established and operates in accordance with the Code of Iowa.
B. The Commission’s specific powers and duties are set forth in Chapter 256 of the Code of Iowa.
A. The Commission shall consist of nine (9) members serving four-year terms including an appointee of the Iowa Supreme Court, the Director of the Department of Education or the director’s designee and seven appointees of the Governor.
B. In accordance with Chapter 69.15, Code of Iowa, a Commission member is considered to have submitted a resignation from the Commission if that person has missed three or more consecutive meetings of the Commission or if that person attends fewer than one-half of the regular meetings of the Commission within any period of twelve calendar months beginning on July 1 or January 1.
A. The Commission shall conduct its meetings in accordance with Chapter 21 of the Code of Iowa, Iowa’s Open Meetings Law.
B. The Commission shall conduct its meetings according to parliamentary procedure as outlined in Robert’s Rules of Order. These rules may be temporarily suspended by the Chairperson with a majority vote of the Commission members in attendance. The chair shall appoint the Parliamentarian.
C. The Commission shall meet at least four times a year at a time and place determined by the chairperson, and may meet at such other times as necessary to efficiently conduct Commission business. Commission members may attend meetings via teleconference if necessary. Voting is allowed by teleconference for members attending electronically.
D. The State Librarian shall distribute the meeting materials (including the agenda) to Commission members at least four (4) days prior to Commission meetings.
E. Special meetings may be held at any time at the call of the chairperson or State Librarian or at the call of any five members of the Commission, provided that notice thereof is given to all Commission members at least twenty-four hours in advance of the special meeting. Members may attend and vote via teleconference if necessary.
F. A quorum at any meeting shall consist of five Commission members.
G. The State Librarian shall be present and participate in each meeting of the Commission.
H. The Commission shall record its proceedings as minutes and shall maintain those minutes in accordance with Chapter 22 of the Code of Iowa, Iowa Open Records Law.
I. The Chairperson, in consultation with the State Librarian, may cancel a meeting when conditions are considered unsafe to meet. If a meeting is cancelled due to unsafe conditions, then all business that would have been conducted at that meeting will be conducted at the discretion of the Chairperson either at a special meeting or combined with the business at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
A. The officers of the Commission shall be chairperson and vice-chairperson. The State Librarian shall designate a staff member to serve as Secretary. In the absence of the Secretary, the State Librarian shall appoint another staff person to serve as secretary pro tem. The chairperson and vice-chairperson shall be elected at the first regular meeting of each fiscal year (starting July 1) and shall assume their duties at the next meeting or immediately upon the resignation of the current officers.
B. The duties of all officers shall be such as by custom and law and the provisions of the Act as usually devolving upon such officers in accordance with their titles. The chairperson shall be ex-officio, and may serve as a member of special committees.
C. The chairperson shall appoint committees as are needed and/or recommended by the State Librarian and/or members of the Commission including the yearly appointment of members to a bylaws committee and a nominating committee. In addition, the chairperson will appoint members to a budget committee and a strategic planning committee to act as liaisons between Iowa Library Services staff and the Commission.
D. Each committee shall act in an advisory capacity and shall report its recommendations to the full Commission.
E. Commission members attending committee meetings may attend via teleconference if necessary.
A. The Commission hires and shall evaluate the State Librarian after 6 months of service for a new hire and on an annual basis thereafter. A committee will be appointed by the chairperson to conduct the yearly evaluation. Input will be sought from Commission members. Additional input may be requested from Iowa Library Services administrative staff.
B. The Commission shall review and approve the proposed budget submitted by the State Librarian by September 1 of each year.
C. The Commission shall set policy and adopt rules. The State Librarian shall periodically make policy recommendations to the Commission that will promote the efficiency of Iowa Library Services in its service to the people of the State of Iowa.
E. The State Librarian shall administer the policies of the Commission. Among his/her duties and responsibilities shall be the direction and supervision of all staff members in the performance of their duties. The State Librarian shall keep the Commission informed on budget, program development, and policy needs.
A. Amendments to these rules may be proposed at any regular meeting but become effective only after a favorable vote at a subsequent meeting. Any of the foregoing rules may be temporarily suspended by a unanimous vote of all the members present at any meeting provided they do not conflict with the provisions of the Act.
Reviewed and approved by Commission of Libraries on August 6, 2015.