Once the Accreditation Application Form and other materials are available (usually in December), follow the steps below to complete the application before the Feburary 28 deadline.

Gather Information & Documents

The Verification Requirements document will help you determine what information you need to gather to submit with your Accreditation Application. 

Note there are three methods of data verification as part of the application process:

  1. Data Imported from the Annual Survey: Bibliostat CollectConnect will automatically prefill this data.
  2. Data Entered into the Accreditation Application Form: There will be space on the application form in Bibliostat CollectConnect for you to manually enter the required data.
  3. Supporting Documentation Upload Form: You will need to upload electronic copies of documents into an online form, separate from the Accreditation Application Form. 

Download a PDF to view and track the required documentation for your Accreditation Application:

Verficiation Requirements 


Gather Information & Documents

The Verification Requirements document will help you determine what information you need to gather to submit with your Accreditation Application. 

Note there are three methods of data verification as part of the application process:

  1. Data Imported from the Annual Survey: Bibliostat CollectConnect will automatically prefill this data.
  2. Data Entered into the Accreditation Application Form: There will be space on the application form in Bibliostat CollectConnect for you to manually enter the required data.
  3. Supporting Documentation Upload Form: You will need to upload electronic copies of documents into an online form, separate from the Accreditation Application Form. 

Download a PDF to view and track the required documentation for your Accreditation Application:

Verficiation Requirements 

Log In & Complete the Application

The Accreditation Application Form uses the same Bibliostat CollectConnect software as the Public Library Annual Survey. You can log in and view your application from previous years. To help with preparation, we've made a Printable Accreditation Application Form that you may use as a guide. 

The final application, however, must be completed online. Contact Toni Blair for assistance logging in to Bibliostat CollectConnect.

Refer to the Bibliostat CollectConnect Help Documentation from Baker & Taylor for more information on using the software.


Log In & Complete the Application

The Accreditation Application Form uses the same Bibliostat CollectConnect software as the Public Library Annual Survey. You can log in and view your application from previous years. To help with preparation, we've made a Printable Accreditation Application Form that you may use as a guide. 

The final application, however, must be completed online. Contact Toni Blair for assistance logging in to Bibliostat CollectConnect.

Refer to the Bibliostat CollectConnect Help Documentation from Baker & Taylor for more information on using the software.

Upload Supporting Documents

All supporting documents gathered in Step 1 should be submitted at the same time on the Accreditation Supporting Documentation Form. 

Contact Toni Blair if you need an alternate way to submit your files.


Upload Supporting Documents

All supporting documents gathered in Step 1 should be submitted at the same time on the Accreditation Supporting Documentation Form. 

Contact Toni Blair if you need an alternate way to submit your files.

Complete the Signature Page

After submitting the application in Bibliostat CollectConnect and uploading the supporting documentation, the Library Director and the Board President must complete the Signature Page certifying that the data is correct to the best of their knowledge.


Complete the Signature Page

After submitting the application in Bibliostat CollectConnect and uploading the supporting documentation, the Library Director and the Board President must complete the Signature Page certifying that the data is correct to the best of their knowledge.

Accreditation Application Finalized

Your accreditation application requires the following to be complete and fully submitted for review:

  1. Accreditation Application Form submitted in Bibliostat CollectConnect.
  2. Supporting documentation uploaded.
  3. Signature page completed and submitted with both required signatures. 

You may only consider your library's Accreditation Application finalized once all three items have been completed.


Accreditation Application Finalized

Your accreditation application requires the following to be complete and fully submitted for review:

  1. Accreditation Application Form submitted in Bibliostat CollectConnect.
  2. Supporting documentation uploaded.
  3. Signature page completed and submitted with both required signatures. 

You may only consider your library's Accreditation Application finalized once all three items have been completed.