FirstSearch is an online service that gives library and education professionals access to a rich collection of reference databases. FirstSearch offers electronic access to dozens of databases and more than 10 million full-text and full-image articles. With FirstSearch, materials in your library collection can be identified in search results, facilitating interlibrary loan and helping to connect your users with the information they need.
The State Library's subscription allows access to FirstSearch to any library in Iowa at no cost and is paid for by the State Library's federal funding appropriation from the Institute of Museum & Library Services.
With FirstSearch, libraries can:
- Construct simple or complex searches to find exactly what you need
- Connect users to full text
- View holdings of other libraries
- Get to the right resources fast
- Enable ILL requests from search results
- Access usage statistics
- Combined with your OCLC cataloging subscription, enjoy OCLC's Web Visibility features
- Search in the language you prefer
Get Access to FirstSearch
To request a FirstSearch Authorization code and access credentials contact:
OCLC Product Support
1-800-848-5800 or email