
Federally Funded

The State Library is continuing ongoing efforts to support public libraries with serving patrons who have social service-related needs. This initiative originally began in 2022 with a statewide needs assessment conducted by Dr. Beth Wahler, and continues today with new educational and training opportunities for Iowa public library administrators and staff as well as new reflective practice-focused support groups conducted by Alyssa Caldbeck, MSW, LISW

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Reflective Practice Groups

Beginning in Fall 2024, Alyssa Caldbeck, MSW, LISW will facilitate six different online support groups using a technique called reflective practice. These groups will meet via Zoom on a monthly basis, with two groups geared towards library administrators (one for urban/suburban and one for rural administrators) and four groups for non-administrative staff (two for urban/suburban and two for rural library staff). The groups will be offered through the length of the grant until summer 2026. Continuing education credit will not be awarded for participating in the groups.

Participation is confidential and only the group facilitator and other members of the same group will know the names of participants. Groups will focus on creating a safe space to share and reflect on personal experiences at work, gain social support from others in similar roles, and continuously learn new perspectives and skills as needed. Reflective practice techniques have been found to be helpful with preventing and reducing burnout, compassion fatigue, and vicarious trauma. 

Librarians attending the groups should:

  • Discuss with their supervisor the group’s meeting schedule to ensure necessary coverage for their regular duties. 
  • Have a private, confidential space to participate in the group via Zoom, including a computer with microphone, audio and video capabilities. 

By participating in reflective practice groups, library staff can enhance their professional practice, support each other in maintaining well-being, and build a more resilient and inclusive work environment.

Group Types, Days, and Meeting Times:

Urban/Suburban LibrariesRural Libraries
Admins: 4th Tuesdays
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Admins: 4th Thursdays
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Staff Option 1: 4th Tuesdays 
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Staff Option 1: 4th Thursdays
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Staff Option 2: 3rd Tuesdays
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Staff Option 2: 2nd Tuesdays
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.

To sign up for a Reflective Practice Group, email

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Trauma-Informed Endorsement Modules

The State Library has added an online video-based Endorsement track available through Workday Learning to help support library workers to address the needs of high-needs patrons as well as create healthy, supportive work environments. This free, self-directed learning opportunity can be completed at the convenience of staff and includes two separate sets of modules, one for staff in administrative or supervisory roles and one for non-administrative staff. 

About the Modules

Both sets of modules include information about the changing needs of patrons, how these needs impact staff, and trauma-informed strategies that can help with patrons who have social service-related needs. They include information about:

  • Trauma-informed care in a library context
  • Setting and enforcing boundaries
  • Organizational practices for supporting wellness of staff
  • Strategies for responding to and reducing behavioral problems that occur with patrons

The administrative/supervisory modules also include additional content on:

  • Leadership strategies for supporting staff
  • Building community collaborations that can help libraries with these needs
  • Strategies for increasing buy-in and support from local administrators, funders, or boards

Modules also include additional resources to help staff apply their learning in their own library contexts, including handouts and reflection questions to consider individually or with their colleagues. To get started, complete the application form linked below:

Apply to begin a Trauma-Informed Library Practices Endorsement

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Mental Health First Aid Training

Mental Health First Aid is an evidence-based course designed to help participants identify and intervene with someone experiencing a mental health or substance-use related crisis. These courses are designed specifically for people working in all types of public-serving environments and have been very helpful in many library environments to increase staff skills and improve confidence handling difficult situations.

Alyssa Caldbeck, MSW, LISW will facilitate Mental Health First Aid training for in-person sessions in each district across the state as well as virtual options. Read more about the training opportunities, and browse available offerings in Workday Learning

Workday Learning Logo

Workday Learning

Workday Learning is the State of Iowa's Learning Management System. Use it to register for courses (live or recorded), keep track of your Endorsement, and see how many CE Hours you've earned.


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2022 Statewide Needs Assessment Project

In and after 2020, the pandemic further highlighted the growing social service-related needs of the public in Iowa and the important role libraries and librarians play in their communities. Thanks to funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the American Rescue Plan Act, the State Library partnered with Dr. Wahler to conduct a statewide needs assessment in 2022.  

This needs assessment focused on staff perceptions of patrons’ psychosocial needs and assessed gaps in the ability to meet those needs. It also focused on an assessment of staff and library readiness for adding a social service component (referral and information regarding social service-related needs, not clinical services) to library services.  At the beginning of the needs assessment process, Dr. Wahler delivered a training on library/social work collaborations to help Iowa libraries understand potential options for adding a social worker in their library. 

The needs assessment took into consideration the rural context of many of the state’s public libraries and distinguished between urban and rural libraries in the report and recommendations. The needs assessment methods included:  

  • Surveys
  • Focus groups
  • In-depth qualitative interviews

Dr. Wahler presented the results from the needs assessment and her recommendations in a webinar on February 9, 2023. Recommendations included adding both educational opportunities for library staff and adding a support group component for improving staff’s resilience to work-related stress.

Watch the Needs Assessment Recommendations Webinar

These recommendations were incorporated into a successful grant proposal to the Institute of Museum and Library Services Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program, which funds the current strategies piloted in 2024 and continuing over the next two years. 

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About the Facilitators

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Grant #RE-254904-OLS-23. 

Institute of Museum and Library Services logo

Funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services

This program or resource is made possible in part by the IMLS under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the State Library of Iowa.

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