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About the Toolkit
In recent years, Iowa libraries have experienced a pandemic, derechos, tornados, local and regional flooding, civic unrest, and more. While having a Disaster Preparedness Plan doesn’t make these events easy, it will make handling them easier. With the right policies and plans in place, it won't be as much of a scramble if a tornado hits during the height of summer reading, or if the pipes burst during a major winter program you’ve planned, you’ll be prepared.
The State Library created this Disaster Preparedness Toolkit in conjunction with the 2022 Learning Circuit. Find all the resources you need here to prepare for and respond to natural disasters and beyond.
Back to topDisaster Response Plan Template
The State Library developed a Disaster Response Plan template in Word to give libraries a starting point based on best practices in emergency preparedness planning. Very large libraries and very small libraries may need to modify based on their unique needs; one size certainly does not fit all.
Back to topAdditional Resources from the State Library
In conjunction with the 2022 Learning Circuit, the State Library offered a number of webinars and resources to help libraries begin or complete a disaster response plan. They are linked below. Watch on YouTube for information only, or search for them in Workday Learning for credit.
Back to topAdditional National Resources
Additional resources for libraries interested in gathering more information on disaster planning.
Back to topRecommended Reading
The titles below are available from the State Library's Library Science collection. Click the link below each title to go to the catalog, and submit a request in SILO for the book to be checked out and sent to your library via IA Shares.
Back to top1112 E. Grand Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50319